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Individual Tuition

Anne is available for INDIVIDUAL TUITION in Yoga, Meditation, Healing and Balancing Work.

With over 25 years of global study and research, Anne is dedicated to sharing her holistic knowledge to help others attain optimal health and gain spiritual awareness.

Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Anne is one of Australia's most distinguished and well-respected Yoga teachers. She has been certified by the International Yoga Teachers Association and teaches numerous Yoga, Meditation, Healing and Relaxation classes weekly.

"I feel energised, revitalised and a great deal calmer after Anne's class. They are also great fun, although I work as hard as I possibly can, there is no pressure to be a 'plastic guru'. I also notice improvement after each class, not just physically but emotionally as well". D Welsh, McMahons Point

Nutritional Counsellor

As a qualified Nutritional Counsellor and dedicated vegetarian, Anne coaches her clients on how to eat responsibly. She also has extensive knowledge on different healing methods, such as fasting and urine therapy, to enhance health.


An international author, Anne has had many articles published including: Yoga and PMT, Understanding Chakras, Quest for Bliss and Yoga and Asthma.

Corporate Stress Management Trainer

For an individual to be happy, creative, focused and productive they need to be in good health. Anne is regularly called on by many successful corporations such as IBM, AMP, OPTUS and LEND LEASE to teach yogic stress management techniques to teams and individuals.