During the experience of the pulse in the heart the pulse
seems to rise to the crown accompanied by strange feelings in my upper mouth
and eyes. When reaching the crown the experience becomes really expansive.
Then the experience returns to the heart. Can you explain this?
Your awareness seems to be following the pulse upwards to the crown. This
leads to the expansive feeling. Following the pulse in this way will only lead
away from the true path and end in confusion. As mentioned in the chapter on
meditation the pulse rising is an illusion. The Amrita Nadi has been activated
and the force-current is rising towards the crown making it seem like the
pulse is rising. Remain with the technique and ignore all experiences.
Eventually the true path will be experienced.
When the force-current rises many strange physical
sensations in the heart, neck, face or eyes may be felt. Simply stay with the
technique without analysing them.
What is the difference between cosmic law and universal law?
Cosmic Law is woven into the fabric of the game. It is like the programming of the game. Universal Law is what has been created in this universe by the game play. This Unversal Law may change during the eons of the game.